
    ctc calls ADDRESS_AND_OR_FUNCTION [options]

    output the result of multiple contract eth_call's
    This command can be used in two ways:
    1) Multi-contract Calls: same call across multiple contracts
        - This is indicated by the --addresses parameter
        - Example: call <function> --addresses <addr1> <addr2> <addr3>
    2) Multi-block Calls: same call across multiple blocks
        - This is indicated by either of the --blocks or --time parameters
        - Example: call <addr1> <function> --time 30d
    in each case, <function> can be a name, a 4byte selector, or an ABI
    ## Multi-contract Calls
    Example use case: Get a wallet's balances for many ERC20 tokens
    Can use --block to select a specific block for calls
    By default will use the first address's function abi for all calls
        (Retrieve separate ABI's for each contract using --unique-abis)
    ## Multi-block Calls
    Example use case: Get the total supply of an ERC20 over time
    Can specify multi-block calls by blocks or by timestamps
    Ranges are inclusive of start and end boundaries
    ### Specifying multi-block calls using --blocks
    Example block specifications:
        --blocks 16000 16010 16020 16030
        --blocks 16010:16030:10
        --blocks 16010:16030 -n 4
        --blocks 16030:-20:10
        --blocks latest:-20:10
        (each of these examples would specify the same set of 4 blocks,
         if the latest block were 16030)
    Can also specify a block range sampled over a regular time interval:
        --blocks 15000000:16000000:1d --> samples block range once per day
    For block ranges with no interval specified, all blocks are used
    ### Specifying multi-block calls using --times
    Example time specifications:
        --times 20220701:20220730 -n 30
        --times 20220701:20220730:1d
        --times 20220701:29d -n 30
        --times 29d:20220701 -n 30
        (each of these examples specifies the same set of 30 timestamps)
    Can also use the current time as an implicit default:
        --times 100d::1d
        --times 100d -n 101
        --times 100d: -n 101
        --times 100d:: -n 101
        (each of these examples specifies the same set of 100 timestamps)
    Can indicate timestamps using a variety of formats:
            timestamp formats           meaning               examples  
              number + letter        timelength                   100d  
            (one of {yMdhms})                                      24h  
                         YYYY     start of year                   2018  
                       YYYYMM    start of month                 201802  
                      YYYY-MM                                  2022-06  
                     YYYYMMDD      start of day               20180228  
                   YYYY-MM-DD                               2022-06-01  
              YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS     minute in day               20180228  
             YYYY-MM-DD_HH:MM                         2022-06-01_04:30  
              YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS     second in day               20180228  
          YYYY-MM-DD_HH:MM:SS                      2022-06-01_04:30:40  
                 large number    unix timestamp             1600000000  
    See the tooltime package for more information about time specifications
    A default of -n 25 is used if no -n is specified for time range
    ## Outputs
    A table of outputs is displayed by default, omit with --no-table
    Numerical outputs of multi-block calls are charted, omit with --no-chart
    Use --export to output data to a json or csv file
    More data is included when exporting to a file

    # 1) multi-contract template: same call across multiple addresses
    ctc calls <function> [<function_parameters>] --addresses <addresses>

    # 2) multi-block template: same call across multiple blocks
    ctc calls <address> <function> [<function_parameters>] --blocks <blocks>

    # Balance of DAI, USDC, and USDT in Curve 3pool
    ctc calls balanceOf 0xbebc44782c7db0a1a60cb6fe97d0b483032ff1c7 --addresses 
0x6b175474e89094c44da98b954eedeac495271d0f 0xa0b86991c6218b36c1d19d4a2e9eb0ce3606eb48 
0xdac17f958d2ee523a2206206994597c13d831ec7 --normalize

    # Weekly balance of DAI in Curve 3pool throughout year 2021
    ctc calls 0x6b175474e89094c44da98b954eedeac495271d0f balanceOf 0xbebc44782c7db0a1a60cb6fe97d0b483032ff1c7 --times 
2021:2022:1w --normalize

    # Balance of DAI in Curve 3pool over the past 1 million blocks
    ctc calls 0x6b175474e89094c44da98b954eedeac495271d0f balanceOf 0xbebc44782c7db0a1a60cb6fe97d0b483032ff1c7 --blocks 
latest:-1000000 -n 20 --normalize

    ADDRESS_AND_OR_FUNCTION      <see above>
    -b, --blocks BLOCKS          block list or block range (see above)
    -t, --times TIMES            timestamp list or time range (see above)
    -n N                         number of calls to make in given range
    -a, --addresses ADDRESSES    addresses to point calls toward
    --block BLOCK                block number for calls
    --unique-abis UNIQUE_ABIS    retrieve separate ABI for each address
    --export EXPORT              file path for output (.json or .csv)
    --overwrite                  specify that output path can be overwritten
    --no-table                   do not output a table
    --no-chart                   do not output a chart
    --from FROM                  address that calls should come from
    --normalize NORMALIZE        normalize output by value, default is 1) erc20 decimals or 2) "1e18"
    --blocks-gte-times           find the blocks >= timestamps instead of <=