

Run ctc setup on the command line to create the config. Run it again to edit the config.

ctc uses a configuration file to control its behavior.

Setting Config Parameters

Users do not need to directly create or edit ctc config files. Instead, all config parameters can be adjusted by using the setup wizard by running ctc setup on the command line. This can be used both for creating new configs and modifying the current config.

By default ctc will looks for a config file at ~/.config/ctc/config.json. But if the CTC_CONFIG_PATH environment variable is set, it will use that path instead.

ctc can also function under a “no-config” mode, where ctc setup does not need to be run. To use this mode, simply set the ETH_RPC_URL to an RPC provider url.

Config Parameters

The config file consists of key-value pairs. The keys:

  • config_spec_version: the ctc version used to create the config

  • data_dir: the directory where ctc stores its data

  • providers: metadata about RPC providers

  • networks: metadata about networks including their names and chain_id’s

  • default_network: default network to use

  • default_providers: default provider for each network

  • db_configs: database configuration information

  • log_rpc_calls: whether to log rpc calls

  • log_sql_queries: whether to log sql queries

A python type specification for the config can be found in the config typedefs file.

Reading Config Parameters

On the command line, running ctc config will print information about the config including its location on the filesystem and its current values.

In python, the ctc.config module has many functions for getting config data:

from ctc import config

config_path = config.get_config_path()
data_dir = config.get_data_dir()
providers = config.get_providers()