

This page is only aimed at users that would like know what ctc depends on under the hood.

If you just want to install ctc then check out the Installation docs.

OS Dependencies

Usage of ctc requires python 3.7 or greater.

When using a fresh installation of Debian or Ubuntu, you may need to manually install build-essential and python-dev. These are libraries required by many python packages including ctc. If you are an active python user it’s likely that these are already installed on your machine. If you are setting up a new machine or environment, you may need to install them according to your operating system and python version.

To install these os dependencies on a fresh Debian / Ubuntu machine, can use the following:

PYTHON_VERSION=$(python3 -c "import sys; print('python' + str(sys.version_info.major) + '.' + str(sys.version_info.minor))")

python3 -m pip install $PYTHON_VERSION-dev
sudo apt-get install build-essential


ctc depends on a few different types of external packages:

  1. data science dependencies include standard python library packages including numpy and pandas.

  2. IO dependencies include packages like aiohttp for network communication and toml for file io.

  3. toolsuite dependencies are general python utilities coming the toolsuite set of repos. These are written by the same authors as ctc.

  4. EVM/Cryptography dependencies include pycryptodome, rlp, and eth_abi.

Each of these dependencies has its own dependencies.

Reliance on these packages will be minimized in future releases to minimize attack surface and to maximize the number of environments in which ctc can be run. Some of the common libraries in the EVM ecosystem have incompatible requirements. For example, ethereum-etl requires older versions of web3py and eth_abi, and so a single environment cannot contain the most recent versions of all of these packages.

Type Checking

ctc uses mypy for static analysis of type annotations. This helps catch errors before they can appear at runtime. Custom types used by ctc can be found in the ctc.spec subpackage.

Checks are currently performed using mypy=0.930. Future mypy versions and features will be used as they become available. End users of ctc do not need mypy unless they are interested in running these type checks.

New python type annotation features will be used as they become available using typing_extensions. By using typing_extensions and from __future__ import annotations, new typing features can be used as they are released without sacrificing backward compatibility.


ctc tests are run using pytest 7.0.0 with the pytest-asyncio extension. These can be run using pytest . in the /tests directory.


ctc documentation is built using sphinx 4.5.0. Source files and build instructions can be found in the Documentation Repository.


ctc stores much of the data it downloads in sql databases. Support for sqlite is currently in beta and support for postgresql is coming soon.

For more details see Data Storage